100 + Women Who Care Motown

  • We are 100+ Women Who Care Motown
  • We meet 4 times yearly
  • We present 3 local charities per meeting
  • We select one and contribute $100 each for the charity voted on by our members
  • The charity selected receives at least $10,000 in one night

We are a group of local women who are interested in supporting our local community in the Detroit MI area by contributing to local charities together as a unit to increase the impact

We come from all walks of life and different financial backgrounds. As individuals we felt that it was difficult to make a very large impact, but as a group we have the ability to contribute to the growth of our community in ways that we never before thought possible.

We invite you to become a part of this powerful group to have a positive impact on those in need here in Detroit.

100 Women Who Care was started in November of 2006 by Karen Dunigan of Jackson, MI, as a brilliantly simple way to raise money efficiently and quickly for local charities/non-profits/worthy causes. Her group of 100 women, at their first one-hour meeting, each wrote a check for $100 directly to the charity, raising $10,000 to buy 300 new baby cribs for an organization in their city. Since then, they have grown to hundreds of chapters all over the world. She’s been interviewed on CNN and other cities are forming groups.

100 Plus Women Who Care Motown was launched in December, 2011 by Nancy Sullivan, Molly Williams, and Karen Rashid-Balow. The first charity voting meeting was held on February 8, 2012 and Karen Dunigan attended.